The, We’ve been through a lot in the last few years, and many folks may not feel like this is the best time to talk about democracy. But I think this is exactly the right time to talk about it. Over the last couple of years, we’ve talked about two of the major factors eroding democracy: the change in how we get information, and how a shifting economy makes a growing number of people feel like they don’t have control over their own economic fates. So now we must confront a third element: in a country as diverse as ours, how can we disagree deeply while still finding a way to live together? That’s what the third annual Democracy Forum on December 5 is all about: the idea of pluralism and developing the habits and approaches to help us disagree, not just for today but for generations to come. I’ll share more of my thoughts then – and I hope you’ll tune in. | |
At the Forum, we’ll bring together leaders who are already working around the world to build diverse coalitions and bridge divides in their own communities. We’ll also explore the challenges we face, examine strategies that work, and talk about how we can help the next generation of leaders get the tools and training they need to do even more. This will be a generational project. But I’m encouraged by the young people experimenting with different ways to bring people together and build social trust. It’s the key to building stronger organizations, figuring out how to work together, and ultimately delivering results – and it’s some of the most important work we can do right now. I hope you’ll RSVP to this year’s virtual Democracy Forum to hear more from me and our incredible speakers about the path forward. | |
Thank you for continuing to show up for that work – and for believing in a better vision for America. Let’s keep building it together. -Barack | |